ORA Template Library Report

30 June 2023 - 10:47:28


# Add_FH_Fact by Paul Tanner-Tremaine
# last updated 5th Nov 2022

# generic add a fact which does not have a variable description.  Starting focus point on Individuals Main Property page.

# template usage parameters : ie 
# usage : [lib.Add_FH_Fact:fact name: fact date:Address:Place]
#  {1} is the fact type, ie Occupation, Residence, etc
#  {2} is the fact Date field
#  {3} is the first part of the Place field
#  {4} is the second part of the fact Place field

# change to Facts tab on properties page
# search and insert the Fact Type from the list
# complete the fact field entries...
[Age:replace:/12: mns]
<[{3}]>, [{4}]{tab}




# generic add a fact where the fact has a description field.  
# Starting focus point on Individuals Main Property page.
# created 07 Apr 2023 Beverly Levine Smallwood

# [lib.Add_FH_Fact_ArrDep:Arr:Arrival Date:Ship Name:Port:optnote]

#  {1} is the fact type, ie Arrival
#  {2} is the Arrival or Departure Date
#  {3} is the Ship Name
#  {4} is the Arrival or Departure port
#  {5} is optional notes about destination, fellow travelers etc.


# change to Facts tab on properties page
# search and insert the Fact Type from the list
# complete the fact field entries...
# optional notes like "with his family" or "traveling to visit ..."

#reset facts page 


# Add_FH_Fact
# from Paul Tanner-Tremaine
# last updated 5th Nov 2022


# generic add a fact where the fact has a description field.  
# Starting focus point on Individuals Main Property page.
# template usage parameters : ie 
# usage : [lib.Add_FH_Fact_with_desc:fact type:fact date:Address:Place]
#  {1} is the fact type, ie Occupation, Residence, etc
#  {2} is the fact Date field
#  {3} is the first part of the Place field
#  {4} is the second part of the fact Place field

# change to Facts tab on properties page
# search and insert the Fact Type from the list
# complete the fact field entries...

<[{3}]>, [{4}]{tab}

#reset facts page 



# in notes - add a link to a FH profile by profile number
# usage [lib.Add-FH-Person-Link:fhID]



# created 2 Feb 2023 by Beverly Smallwood
# usage [lib.Add-Weblink:URL]
# where {1} is the full url



# clean up Age field to suit fh
# author : Paul Tanner-Tremaine
# www.fhora.tantrem.com
# updated 4 Jan 2023
#usage : [lib.AgeCleanup]
# some census and other records give the Age in months/12 or even 4 mo
# this cleans up the ages to conform with acceptable in Family Historian

<[?Age:split: :-1=/12][Age:replace:/12: mns]>|
<[?Age:split: :-1=Mo][Age:replace: Mo: mns]>|


# [lib.Attach_Image_Lumped_Source]
# one source, many citations



# [lib.Attach_Image_Split_Source]
# one source created per item - ATTACH TO SOURCE



# based on Terry Reigel email 16 Nov 2022
# useage [lib.ColorDivider:background:text color:text]
# call with:
# {1} is background color
# {2} is text color
# {3} is text to display

\<div style="background:{1}; color:{2}; text-align:center; font-size:13px;"\>{3}\<\div\>


# Reference: (submitted to email list by John N)
# [lib.ColorNote:Text Color:Background Color:Note Text]
# This template will output the "Note Text" in the specified text color
# on the specified background color.  Both colors must be present. If
# either color parameter is omitted, the Note Text will be output as
# plain text with no colors applied. Any colons in the Note Text must
# be preceded with the "\" escape character.
# See color names here:
# https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_names.asp
\<span style="background-color:{2};color:{1}"\>{3}\</span\>


# Creates a source using an existing template (splitting)
# [lib.CreateSourceTemplate:FHtmpNbr]
# {1} is number of existing FH template



# Edit any changes here rather than in individual sources
# [lib.CR-SRC-NOTE]
<\<span style="color:GREEN"\>
Once completed, hardcode the FH source number in *FhSrcNbr*\<BR/\>
Delete Text #1 and AutoType #1-2 when done\<BR/\>
**Obtain citing info to add to autotype\<BR/\>
dbType is either\<BR/\>
(A) database with images\<BR/\>
(B) database\<BR/\>
(C) Images\<BR/\>
(D) Image of index\<BR/\>
Generic Types include\<BR/\>
   Public Records\<BR/\>
   Social Security\<BR/\>
   Travel --- aka ship lists, passports, travel papers, etc.

DNA-test kits

#[lib.DNA-test kits]

<[?:Test Name=You][==:TestKit:BLS][==:fhID:1]>
<[?:Test Name=Beverly Levine][==:TestKit:BLS][==:fhID:1]>
<[?:Test Name=Caroline Hightower][==:TestKit:CLH][==:fhID:263]>
<[?:Test Name=Caroline Lavin][==:TestKit:CLH][==:fhID:263]>
<[?:Test Name=Carol Levine][==:TestKit:CJL][==:fhID:3]>
<[?:Test Name=Carol J Anderson][==:TestKit:CJL][==:fhID:3]>
<[?:Test Name=Robert A Levine][==:TestKit:RAL][==:fhID:2]>
<[?:Test Name=S Levine][==:TestKit:SLH][==:fhID:50]>
<[?:Test Name=Susan Hogy][==:TestKit:SLH][==:fhID:50]>
<[?:Test Name=Edward Charles Person][==:TestKit:ECP][==:fhID:2709]>


# FH_SRC_Lumper by Beverly Levine Smallwood
# created 08 Jan 2022

# opens existing source and adds basic information, uses FhSrcNbr and ItemOfInterest 

# template usage parameters : ie 
# usage : [lib.FH_SRC_Lumper:FhSrcNbr:ItemOfInterest]
#  {1} is the source number from Family Historian
#  {2} is the Item of Interest description for source (name, birthdate, etc)

# first part opens existing source by {1}

# add citation detail to source using ItemOfInterest
[Page.Access Date]{TAB}



# created 07 Mar 2023 by Beverly Levine Smallwood
# useage [lib.FileNameMAR:EventDate:EventCode:Name:Spouse]
# {1} field name for marriage or divorce or banns date
# {2} field name for event code MAR, DIV etc.
# {3} field name for Name of primary
# {4} field name for Name of spouse


[fn-e.date:date:yyyy-mm-dd] [fn-e.code] [fn-e.one:nameSurname] - [fn-e.two:nameSurname]


# created 07 Mar 2023 by Beverly Levine Smallwood
# useage [lib.FileNameOnePerson:EventDate:EventCode:Name]
# {1} field name for birth or death
# {2} field name for event code BIR, BAP, DEA, BUR, etc
# {3} field name for Name of primary


[fn-e.date:date:yyyy-mm-dd] [fn-e.code] [fn-e.one:nameSurname], [fn-e.one:nameGiven]


# [Lib.FormatSGLplace:Place Field]
# Use when place is presented in a single field separated by commas
# The parameter is a place field name which we assign here to fp.place

# If the place has a city, set county name without county or parish
# else set county name as it appears in the record


# output 
<<[fp.place:placeCity]><[+:, ][county]><[+:, ][fp.place:placeState]><[+:, ][fp.place:placeCountry:replace:United States:USA]>>


# [lib.FSimage]
# takes the digital folder and image numbers and creates a web link to the imaage for use at FHC/affiliate

[Source.Digital Folder Number:split:, :1]
<?i=[Source.Image Number:mathSubtract:1]>


# created 08 Apr 2023 by Beverly Levine Smallwood
# useage [lib.LastNameFirst:Name]


[fn-e.name:nameSurname], [fn-e.name:nameGiven]


# this sets the relevant flag on MY Flags tab on the Property Box
# my PropBox tabs are : Main, Facts, Flags, Census flags, Contact, Notes, Media, All
# usage : [lib.SetCensusFlag]
# set the flag for the census event
# Censusyear is set on each census template that calls this lib function
# modified from Paul Tanner-Tremaine's examples
# created 20 Dec 2022

# advance to Flags tab


#reset to Main tab


# created 22 Jan 2023 - usage - feed first letter of to-do type
# [lib.ToDo:firstletteroftype]  F=FHC G=GRO U=UKcensus1921 A=Ancestry etc.
# {1} is the Letter


# Created 28 Jan 2023 to feed details
# useage [lib.ToDo-FHC-headers:title:Page.Access Date:desc:link]

#      Title: {1} Jane Doe birth certificate 
#       Date: {2} page access date
#       Type: FHC
#Description: {3] typically the file name of the eventual image
#     Status: open
#       Link: {4} a url to go do



# Update_Media
# created 21 Dec 2022
# open media items after attaching to source and run to add date, description and type
# usage : [lib.Update_Media:ImgKeyword:ImgDate:ImgDesc]
# ImgDesc can be a URL to image
# {1} is the Keyword which might be the fact type
# {2} is the Image date (i.e. census date or birth date)
# {3} is the Image description which can be the url to the image
