

Videos about Family Historian on other web sites -
 (The item underlined in blue is the link)
https://www.family-historian.co.uk/tour   - Quick tour - pictures only
https://www.family-historian.co.uk/video-tour-fh7  8 minute video
https://www.family-historian.co.uk/support/videos  Video tutorials
https://youtu.be/VMdCQSbNoXo  Why I use Family Historian - Paul Hughes
Tutorials by Colin Spencer Auto Source citation      Ancestral Sources     FH data matches 
Ancestral Sources - https://fhug.org.uk/kb/kb-article/ancestral-sources-videos/
Paul Tanner-Tremaine has a lot of information on ORA (Online Repository Assistant) 
Videos about Family Historian available on Youtube  Click Link