


If you are a new user of Family Historian or have been using it for a while, there's always more to learn, so come and join our friendly group. 
For details send a message to:

Where our members live  Click for link Information about meetings

1] To help members understand how to use the many features of Family Historian.
2] To help members learn how to research and validate their Family History.
3] To look at ways to assist in the recording of information by using additional programs, i.e. Ancestral Sources, Spreadsheets, ORA, Websites etc..


What our members say:

I want to add that I think your idea for these FH Zoom meetings is just great and was sorely needed; as I am a lurker rather than participator in the zoom meetings
 I watch the videos later on at my leisure and this has certainly helped me understand the FH software. - Peter, UK

I wanted to send you a note of thanks for this user group and all the resources. - Terry, USA

I have already had a meeting with Ian on Zoom operations and I have a meeting with Helen tomorrow morning on plugins... I couldn't have asked for anything more in my first week as a member of your group.  Thank you for setting it up! - Martyn, France

"I really enjoy the group sessions and can’t imagine having to learn FH from just the book or the help files". - Bill, UK
I wish I had known sooner that this group was starting up - David, Canada
Thank you very much for setting up this group for us users of Family Historian. You and your amazing team of helpers freely share your time and knowledge with us. The recordings are a brilliant resource - Sioban, U.K.

I look forward to viewing future webinars. They are typically excellent - Gary, Canada
I am so glad you started this group. I get so much from the zoom sessions, even the ones that are way above my ability level. - Eileen, UK

...impressed by the skill and patience of the more experienced attendees when demonstrating points - Barbara, UK


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